IRTC 2023
Registration fees
Registration fees
Participant categories
Early bird (until 15 December)
Regular registration (from 16 December)
- Industry
- Research centers
- Other categories not mentioned below
€ 700.00
- Government
- Academia
- Non-profit organisations
- Small/medium sized start-ups*
- PhD students at a non-European institute and Master students**
- Non-OECD**
- Online participations***
- Workshop only****
On-site participation only
- Conference dinner on February 16th (only in combination with the conference registration)
* Start-ups are defined here as companies established less than 7 years ago with a demonstrable progress in turnover and/or number of employees. 10 scholarships of 250 euros are available for early-stage start-ups without an established revenue stream. If you wish to apply for this, please send a motivation letter to
** The number of available early bird tickets is limited. If early bird tickets are sold out and/or after 15 December, the regular fee for industry or academia applies. For students, a proof of inscription at a university must be provided.
*** Online participants will have access to a live streaming of the conference presentations, interactions by chat via the platform Slido, access to three “Meet the Speaker” events that are organized during the conference (accompanying different time zones), and limited access to the conference presentations on-demand (tbc).
**** Participation to the workshops is included in the conference fee and limited by available spots. This fee applies for participants that only attend the workshop, and not the conference.